Welcome to the ASH Testing Center. ASH provides testing facilities for SAT, ACT and PSAT. Information on how to sign up for the SAT suite of assessments can be found on the SAT official page. ASH is the only test center in the Netherlands that offers the ACT testing. Information on how to register can be found on the ACT official page. ASH does not administer the SSAT assessments.

Upcoming Test Dates


14 December 2024 

8 February 2025 

5 April 2025 

14 June 2025 


24 August 2024

5 October 2024

2 November 2024

7 December 2024

 8 March 2025

3 May 2025

7 June 2025

PSAT 12 October 2024


Students should arrive at ASH by 7:40.
Please wait in the school's cafeteria until check-in begins. Check this site to find out what to bring on test day. Ensure you have downloaded the most current version of BlueBook to your personal device prior to your arrival. Most importantly, remember to bring your fully charged electronic device and its charger with you.  There are plenty of charging points available during testing, if required.
• Following check-in, students will be escorted to the testing room by their proctor
• Late arrivals will not be admitted once students have moved from cafeteria
• Testing will begin once instructions have been read
• Testing will be finished  +/- 10.30am
• Extended Time (dependent on requirements)
Please visit the SAT official page for more details and registration.


Morning Session:
• Standard (08:00 -12:30)
• Students should arrive at ASH by 7:40
Afternoon Session:
• Standard (13:30-18:00)
• Students should arrive at ASH by 13:10. 
Please wait in the school's cafeteria until check-in begins.
The group will move to the testing room(s) 5 minutes before the assessment begins. Anyone arriving after this time is considered late and will not be admitted. The ACT reserves the right to cancel one or both sessions depending on the number of students who sign up to take the tests.
Please visit the ACT official page for more details and registration.

PSAT (October Only)

Students should arrive at ASH by 7:40.
Please wait in the school's cafeteria until check-in begins. We will try to have students in their testing rooms by 08:00. This is when the test begins. As soon as the reading of the instructions begins then no one else will be admitted. Check the College Board site to find out what to bring on test day.  Ensure you have downloaded the most current version of BlueBook to your personal device and have completed the registration tests prior to your arrival.  Most importantly, remember to bring your fully charged electronic device and its charger with you.  There are plenty of charging points available during testing, if required.
Finishing Times:
• Standard PSAT ends +/-11:00am
• Extended Time (dependent on requirements)
If you have any questions regarding the standardized testing offered at American School of The Hague, please contact the SAT/ACT Coordinator on +31 (0)70 512 1080.