Daycare for ages 0-3

Daycare is available at ASH through our partner organization Norlandia. The daycare at ASH is located in the Early Childhood Center campus, which offers the best home environment with an international twist in a beautiful facility with a spacious outdoor play area.

For specific questions regarding childcare, contact Norlandia.

children playing outside with footballs

After school care for ages 3-14

We offer after school childcare for ASH students ages 3 - 14. Our service is available every day after school dismissal time until 6.30pm, and on days that ASH has noon-dismissal or is fully closed (except for national holidays). Our center is located across the main campus and features beautiful light rooms and wide open fields to play outside. Children from the Early Childhood Center travel to us by bus and our staff collect ASH students from our main campus.

For specific questions regarding childcare, contact Croco Club.

Teacher looking at a girl making a puzzle