A Labyrinth of Mindfulness

Three elementary school heroes made a huge impact on our students’ outdoor time. By designing a floor labyrinth, they enabled students to pause, breathe, check in with their bodies, be mindful, and communicate during conflicts. 
“Today we learned how to be mindful out in nature. It is amazing to see how each student finds their own rhythm and reason to walk the maze.  It adds a sense of self and agency to the otherwise busy and high-energy space of outside play. This helps with our slowing down and paying attention along with emotional regulation.” - Lauren, counselor

“Walking around the labyrinth, it felt good because no one was around me and I was pretty calm.” - Daan, student
“The labyrinth made me feel like an explorer.” - Adrian, student
“Walking slowly calms me down, so the labyrinth felt nice.” - Kinneret, student

“I felt calmer when I was walking very slowly.” - Niklas, student
“The first time I was in the labyrinth, it was all squished together and I loved it.” - Teo, student