
Take a few minutes to update your contact information with us, so we can add your current email into our alumni database. Once you update your email with us, you will:
  • be officially registered in our alumni database
  • be signed up for quarterly email newsletters from ASH, featuring alumni news and events
  • recieve invitations to local and global alumni events, and local ASH events

Whether you were at ASH for 1 year, 10 years or decades, you will always have a place in the ASH alumni community!

First and Last NamerequiredPlease share your first and last name with us, as they were when you were at ASH
First Name
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
Please share your first and last name with us, as they were when you were at ASH
Years of attendance & high school graduation year; years of employment & position; etc.
e.g Toronto, Ontario, Canada / Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands
Queens University Canada, Undergrad in BioChem, 2014
Engineer, ESA, system engineer for project Galileo
Thank you for sharing your story with us! Any questions in the meantime can be directed to